Ronen Liwski's Coca-Cola cans collection!
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Argentina  Argentina     
112001354SpecialHarry Potter set - "Mira la pelicula"0
121995354SpecialJuegos Panamericanos - Mar del plata '95
  • patin (rollers) (1)
  • 0
    11992354OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games - Posters Olimpicos De Coleccion
  • Diseno 11 d 12 - Seoul 1988 (1)
  • 0

    Australia  Australia
    421996375BottleTransurban Australian Grand Prix - Melbourne 19960
    341994500BlankAlways Contour - "We're giving you MORE of the great taste of 'Coca-Cola'" + yellow rim - "33% Extra"0
    351990375OldSki it to believe it0

    Austria  Austria
    551994330BottleWorld Cup USA 94 - Fussball-WM Sammelserie
  • num. 3 von 8 (1)
  • 0
    9851994500Old"0.5 Liter" - You can't beat the feeling!1
    531994500BottleWorld Cup USA 94 - Fussball-WM Sammelserie - 500ml0
    10181989330Oldwhite rim - "NEU: Umweltfreundlicher..."0
    571989330Oldwhite rim - "NEU: Umweltfreundlicher…" + yellow rim - "Alle Packt das Schlusselfieber."0
    501983330BlankCycling - 1983 schweiz - "Rad-Weltmeisterschaften...."0

    Belgium  Belgium
    622004330SpecialFestivals set0
    642003330WaveFestivals & Concerts in Belgium0
    672001330CupCup Design - broun rim - "Find The Symbols, Play & Win (Sans Cafeine)0
    702001330CupCup Design - light green rim - "Find The Symbols, Play & Win0
    692000330CupBlack rim - "Refresh. Play & Enjoy"3
    10301999330DiscThe Coca-Cola Originals (steel) - ver#10
    10311999330DiscThe Coca-Cola Originals - (green)0
    681998330Bottlegreen line - "Verpakking op basis…"2
    741996330BottleAtlanta 1996 Olympic Games - yellow rim - "Zoek* De Vlam O.C.B.S…1
    761995330Old"Sans Cafeine, Cafeinevrij" + Always Contour0
    731994330OldWorld Cup USA 94 - Players set0
    9881994500OldMAXI 0.5L + "Always Coca-Cola"0
    711993330Old"Yo-Yo" Contour0
    721992330SantaSanta - "Happy New Year"0
    8831992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games - "Official Sponser"0
    631992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games + Albertville '92 - Official Sponsor0
    9391989330OldBoutique Coca-Cola Music system - sponser officiel des jeux olympiques0
    9041989330OldRegular Old Design0
    9261989330Old120 Coke Machines - "Accumulez les decibels et gagnez!"0
    10291986330BlankMexico 1986 World Cup + Tour de France0
    751985330OldRegular Old Design0

    Benelux  Benelux
    10352008150BlankRegular new blank design0
    772003330WaveRegular Wave Design2
    792000330CupRegular Cup Design3
    781998330SantaSanta with bottle & children0

    Brazil  Brazil
    10242005350SpecialPhrases (steel)0
    952004350WaveSao 4 mini CDs com as melhores bandas - promocao vibe sound1
    972002350SpecialWorld Cup Korea Japan 2002 - "Voce no melhor LUGAR da COPA"0
    872002473SpecialWorld Cup Korea Japan 2002 - PELE with football (Full SET for trade)1
    8851992350OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games0

    Canada  Canada
    1191995355BottleBull draw - "1995 celebrate manitoba's 125th! …"0

    Chile  Chile
    1252003350Wave"ANFP - Seleccion nacional de futbol - edicion 2003 especial"
  • Juvenal olmos (1)
  • 0

    China  China
    1382004355WaveAthens 2004 Olympic Games - Torch Relay0

    Cyprus  Cyprus
    1642000330CupBlack rim, yellow square "50 Xponia Mazi!"0

    El Salvador  El Salvador
    1742003354WaveWave Design1
    9052000354CupRegular Cup Design, Sold in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua & Costa Rica0

    France  France
    1891999330DiscCollector '99 - yellow rim0
    1921992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games + Albertville 921
    1871992330Old"You Can't Beat The feeling!"0

    Germany  Germany
    2191992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games - Gastgeber Der Olimpischen Spiele
  • London 1908/1948 (1)
  • Melbourne 1956 (1)
  • Tokio 1964 (1)
  • 0
    2421992500OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games + Albertville '921
    2491989330Old"You Can't Beat The Feeling!" + white rim0
    2501988330Old"You Can't Beat The Feeling"0

    Great Britain  Great Britain
    2851997330Bottleyellow rim - "37p multipack can, thirst for it, Instant win over 3 million prizes…"0
    2801995330Bottleyellow rim - "Play Red Hot Summer"1
    2741993330Old"Coca-Cola is the Music" - yellow rim - "10 trax back"0
    2681993500Old"Coca-Cola is the Music" - yellow rim - "10 trax back"0
    2621992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games - Olympic Poster Collection0
    2651990330OldWorld Cup Italy '90 - "You Can't Beat The Feeling!"0

    Greece  Greece
    2891984330BlankLos Angeles 1984 Olympic games1

    Ireland  Ireland
    3222004250WaveCoca-Cola vanilla0

    Israel  Israel
    9962008330Blank40 Years to Coca-Cola (not for sale - contains rice)9
    9952008330BlankCoca-Cola Village 2008 - Summer vacation promotion7
    9982008330SpecialBeijing 2008 Olympic Games - Coca-Cola visitors center exclusive can (not for sale)1
    9992008330WaveRonen Liwski's Can - it's not a joke, it's a Coca-Cola can that was made especially for me!3
    10002008330BlankNew Blank design - "Coca-Cola" in Arabic3
    10072008330Blank10 years to Palestinian Production1
    10132008330Coke side of lifeCoke side of life design - "Love the Life"22
    9942008330BlankNew Blank design6
    9582007330Coke side of lifeRegular Coke side of life design24
    9672007330Coke side of lifemyMusic 2007 - Coca-Cola Music vilage19
    9652007330WaveWin Cash - Coca Cola written in Arabic (made in Betunia)20
    9662007330Coke side of lifeCoca Cola written in Arabic (made in Betunia) - Colorful images coming out from a Coca-Cola bottle26


    Total Resoults: 226
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