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Taiwan  Taiwan     
6962004355WaveAthens 2004 Olympic Games0
6952004355WaveCoca-Cola Vanilla0
6902003355WaveRegular Wave Design0
6872002250SpecialHappy New Year + McDonald's0
6972002355SantaChristmas - 2002 Edition0
6932002355SpecialSummer Action 20020
6982001355SpecialTravel Around The World0
6862001355SpecialChristmas 20010
6892000355SantaSanta - 2000 Edition0
6941996355BottleYellow rim, Adv. - picture of polar bear & bottle0
6851996355Olympic BottleAtlanta 1996 Olympic Games - 1928 -1996, W.O.P symbol + yellow rim and white square0


Total Resoults: 12
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